Finding myself (Entry 01)
The simplest answer to "Do you ever find yourself?" is this, NOT REALLY, at least in my case. :) There are different chapters in your life, like a messy but mesmerizing book. You got Chapter 1 for you being a cute infant who does only pee and poo to all the emotional rollercoaster with ache troubled teenager; Chapter 2: Trying to understand yourself as a person also trying to be an independent sorta teen to a very energetic young adult who is ready to take on the world; Chapter 3: realizing that most people don't care about you young adult to finding a meaningful relationship and starting family adulthood; Chapter 4: about all the dramas of being middle-ager who is responsible for little person you helped to create but yet miss being young and carefree; Chapter 5 being about transitioning into elderly and finding new meaning in life and the last chapter about taking care of your earthly possessions and responsibilities and writing your will. ...